5 Coolest Summer Festivals in Japan

5 Coolest Summer Festivals in Japan

For some people, vacationing to see festivals in Japan in the summer is not an option as temperatures can reach up to 35 degrees Celsius. This can drive someone with a sensitive body to fall ill quickly. As an example, back in 2013, Shimanto city in the Kochi prefecture recorded the highest temperature in Japan at 40.1 degrees Celsius. Can yu imagine how hot must that be; even if you have a travel insurance to cover all risk during your vacation, you may want think it over again to travel in those conditions.

Yet for others, summer is the perfect time to have a vacation in Japan. This is because summer in Japan holds many interesting festivals which are not to be missed, such as:

  1. Hanabi Festivals in Japan

Hanabi festival, or the fireworks festival, is usually held in the middle of August. In this festival the Japanese people enthusiastically celebrate beautiful fireworks, wearing kimonos and visit various food and games booths. The unique thing is that the fireworks being displayed come from the contributions of the local people or company. People can estimate the prosperity of the local community or company by how beautiful the fireworks are.

  1. O-bon

This traditional festival of welcoming ancestral spirits has been done by many generations of Japanese people. On around the 15th of July, the people welcome the spirits of their ancestors by placing offerings and doing massive group dances accompanied by traditional musical instruments. This celebration is topped by spreading lanterns on a nearby river, creating a spectacular sight.

  1. Tsukimi Festivals in Japan

This festival has been done for centuries in order to worship the nature and celebrate its blessings to farmers in form of a bountiful harvest. Celebrated on the full moon around August, the festival also sees officials reading poetry while gazing at the moon.

  1. Samba Matsuri

As many Brazilians stay in Japan, this festival is held to entertain the local communities. It showcases dances with colorful dresses, and of course the beauty of the dancers. Samba Matsuri has always been packed with visitors each year.

  1. Nebuta Matsuri

Celebrated at the beginning of August, Nebuta Matsuri is held at Aomori and Hirosaki. Believed to be able to drive the mystical giant that causes sleepiness in the summer, this festival has convoys of vehicles decorated with images of the giant.

So, even with the hot and humid air in the summer, the Japanese people are always entertained with the many festivals filled with coolness and happiness.

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