Listening to Music and the Benefits You Gain from It

Listening to Music and the Benefits You Gain from It

Listening to music has long since been viewed as beneficial. Music is often regarded as much more than just an artistic medium as the goal of music is to communicate ideas and elicit emotional responses. Music is even known to be soothing for the soul. Music has been a major part of our lives since the average person listens it on a daily basis, from car rides home, to intense workouts at gym or even the tunes that play on movies or TV which we often watch. Most people enjoy listening to music and often state that they can’t live without it. It has been proven that music dramatically helps improve people’s mental well-being and boost physical health. Below are some benefits of listening to music on daily basis.

  1. Listening to music increases happiness

Discovered in the study ‘The neuroscience of musical chill’ by The Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital, brain releases a happy hormone, dopamine, a neurotransmitter that leads to increased feelings of happiness, excitement and joy when you listen to music.

  1. Helps with exercising

Music serves as the motivation to work out harder. USA Today explains this works partly through the power of distraction: When we’re focusing on a favorite album, we may not notice that we just ran an extra mile.

  1. Helps you to sleep better

A study showed that listening to classical or relaxing music within an hour of going to bed significantly improves sleep, compared to listening to an audiobook or doing nothing before bed. Low and soft music works just as well as sleep-inducing medication.

  1. Listening to music reduces depression

Sleep research found that symptoms of depression decreased largely with those who listened to classical music. So if you are having a challenging day, lift your spirits with some classical or meditative music. Another study demonstrated that certain types of music can be beneficial to patients with depressive symptoms.

  1. Helps to strengthen memory

Listening to music can also help you learn and recall information more efficiently, researchers say. An article in the Huffington Post explains that music enjoyment elicits dopamine release, a chemical in the brain that gives you a feeling of rush, and dopamine release has been tied to motivation, which in turn is implicated in learning and memory.

So, there you go, some benefits you will get from listening to music on daily basis.

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