Going to A Concert Alone: 3 Main Reasons Why

Going to A Concert Alone: 3 Main Reasons Why

Have you ever received mixed responses and quizzical glares whenever you’re telling people that you’re about to go to a concert by yourself? They are often mistaken your statement as something that they should be pity about. Responses like ‘too bad’ and ‘ you’ll go with someone else next time’ are always muttered from them. Contrary to popular belief, going alone to a concert can be a rewarding experience. In fact, in many ways, it’s better to go it alone than to attend with friends. Here are some reasons why going alone to concerts is actually the best.

  1. You will be more observant

A huge perk of going to the concert by yourself is you will be more observant of everything that surrounds you. You will get to notice small things at a concert like writings on the posters which are hanging around the venue and other quirky details of the concert. When the band finally does come on, try to notice things you wouldn’t usually notice if you were caught up in a conversation or focused on your phone. You’ll be present enough to catch all the small moments that pass most people by. Whatever happens at the show, you’ll be all eyes and ears to absorb it.

  1. You are in control

When you’re going to a concert alone, there is no one to wait on and risk being late, no one to tell you when to leave. Going to a concert alone is a boost of self-confidence as it puts you in the driver’s seat of your happiness, a rare and beautiful moment to cherish. You are even free to go in the middle of the concert for you are craving for some food. The freedom that comes with a solo excursion is liberating and empowering.

  1. You will get to meet new people

Just because you’re alone doesn’t mean you can’t be social. A concert is a perfect place to meet new friends, network, and to restore your faith in humanity by chatting with people, you never thought you would.

Those are some benefits and reasons why you should try to go to a concert by yourself.

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