3 Drinks Which Actually Make You Dehydrated Even More

3 Drinks Which Actually Make You Dehydrated Even More

Have you ever felt so dehydrated that you thought you could drink a whole ocean? As the temperature rises, your body needs more water and electrolytes to carry its  normal functions. It is believed and proved that dehydration mostly occurs when you lose more fluid than you take in. but do you believe that dehydration doesn’t just occur when you’re not drinking enough of water but when you eat or drink certain beverages which have diuretic effect? Diuretic effect itself can help your body to lose and get rid of its fluids. Just to ensure that you’re fully hydrated, it’s better for you to know some of these drinks which can cause dehydration, as follows;

  1. First, soda will make you dehydrated instead

Sipping iced soda may be intriguing, especially when it’s scorching hot outside. But just so you know that a research from the World Health Organization shows that sugar in soft drinks, especially diet beverages can have a hypernatremic effect on the body. In order for you to digest what it actually means, drinking soda actually draws water from your tissues and depletes your body of fluids. Moreover, the caffeine in sodas acts as a mild diuretic which cause you to pee a lot.

  1. Alcohol will also add dehydration into your body

When you’re drinking with friends, you must have experienced going back and forth to the bathroom to take a leak several times. This is caused by the diuretic effect which comes from the alcohol itself to squeeze out water out of your body. To avoid getting dehydrated, make sure to sip on water several times between your alcoholic beverages.

  1. Unfortunately, coffee also factors into you getting more dehydrated

Drinking coffee in the morning is a very basic thing for people to do these days. But overdoing it can actually pose a dehydration risk. A French study stated that caffeine has a well-known diuretic effect which can inhibit sodium re-absorption. So, to enjoy your coffee, be sure to limit the amount of consumption to 400 mg of caffeine per day.

So, those are three common drinks which only can cause you more dehydration. It is highly suggested for you to drink mineral water instead when dehydration strikes.

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