Work-Life Balance and Its Importance in Life

Work-Life Balance and Its Importance in Life

Work-life balance is the rel key to success, instead of being a workaholic like many people think. If you are one of them, maybe you should try to shift your perspective. Being overwhelmed by work causes you to lose control over your personal life- hobbies, family, and friends. This situation may be damaging to one’s psychological health. 

Although working may result in a sense of productivity and fulfillment, studies have shown that overworking can be fatal for one’s wellbeing. Stress, anxiety, and nervousness are all major effects of overworking. Here are some tips to achieve a work-life balance and to prevent yourself from feeling overwhelmed by what you do. 

Remember to have ‘me time’ 

Whether it’s as simple as reading a book before bed or taking a short vacation, nothing beats the impact of having a little time to yourself. Taking care of yourself is important and if it’s not you to take care of yourself, who would? 

Take regular rests to achieve work-life balance

When working for 8 hours a day, it is always good to stop from time to time. 9/10 workers have claimed that taking regular breaks for at least 10minutes after performing each task has caused them to be more productive in the long run. Take a moment to appreciate your surroundings and you will be impressed at how much of a difference it makes!

Learn to say ‘no’ 

As Abraham Maslow said, as workers, we will always be tempted by more challenging work as it allows us to reach ‘job enrichment’. But as natural human beings, our bodies have mechanisms that have boundaries, and it is almost impossible to say ‘yes’ to every single project, event, or work. You will definitely find yourself with no time left, and eventually, stress and anxiety will strike. 

Although the presence of technology may hinder us to shut off from the work-life as e-mails and notifications become more accessible anytime and anywhere, remember that the more you prevent yourself from stopping to work, the more your work attacks your personal life, thus hindering you from doing what you love and being with who you truly care about. Once you get this balance, you will surely find yourself in a far more productive, healthy, and happier environment. 

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